About us

Wexford Pride is an entirely volunteer community organisation dedicated to supporting, celebrating and uplifting the LGBTQIA+ community across Co. Wexford. All of our events and groups are dedicated to accountability. This means we work to raise the community consciousness around classism, racism, fat phobia, anti-Traveller behaviour and other prejudiced views. Wexford Pride is proud to welcome all members of the LGBTQIA+ community* regardless of intersection.


Wexford Pride is a community

  • Wexford Pride means being understood and welcomed for who you are. Unlike many pride societies it nurtures differences and has a focus on positive self improvements rather than short comings. Mistakes are seen as lessons to grow rather than something toxic which promotes vulnerability and trust in the community.

    It cherishes diversity and allows different opinions and minds to grow in ways I didnt know possible. This is mostly due to the great leadership of our committee members and more experienced members who are always there to help and talk. The community itself is incredibly kind which is rare and amazing to see. I personally have never felt as safe and happy around a group of people and i have only been attending less than 6 months!

    If more people could be so open minded and welcoming in the world we would stand in a much better place!

  • Hi, I’m Max, I’m transmasc and I am only starting my trans journey. My first ever outing as Max was to an Art club event with Wexford Pride. From the moment I opened the door I was greeted with smiles, acceptance and respect. I was treated as one of the community and told about other events and I felt I belonged instantly. Wexford Pride hosts a lot of events and Support groups and are the most helpful, friendly people and I am very proud to be a member. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

  • For me Wexford Pride was exactly what I needed it to be, what I dreamed a queer community could be, and the words I have said over and over to the folks of Wexford Pride are how very grateful, honoured, and humbled by how accepting, open and informed on so many levels the community is.

    In our community I finally belong, all four quarters, it was only partially regarding Bi positivity, not only that a non scene bi was out since childhood, yet was in her 50s before eventually dipping her toe into the queer community as a whole, I was greeted with open arms.

    For me the level of inclusivity, advocacy, diversity, psychological, emotional, sexual, gender, intelligence, non racist, and trauma-informed, Neurodiverse and physical accessibility, is what makes Wexford Pride the full package, as the above are all parts of what makes up this human(oid at times!) I was happily, understandably, accepted for the first time in my life.

  • Wexford pride is a wonderful safe space that has allowed me to make meaningful connections with people. I also really appreciate the variety of events they organise and their focus on accessibility.

  • I can hardly believe that WE in Wexford got so lucky as to have this incredible group of people come together and do what they have done with Wexford Pride. I have never seen anything quite like this group before. And I’ve never felt as seen and accepted by an organisation or community ever in my life before this. If you are a queer being on this planet you will be loved and embraced by this community and all of your weirdness, queerdness and quirks will be celebrated. I am incredibly grateful to be a part of this wonderful community!


  • Veronica Victor (she/her)

    Community Liaison

    Veronica Victor is a queer non-binary trans woman originally from the United States. She is a practicing therapist with years of activism and work within the LGBTQIA+ community dedicated to radical inclusion. She is currently the Community Liason on the Wexford Pride Committee and facilitates multiple therapeutic peer support groups.

  • John Cunningham-Ryan (he/him)


    John Cunningham-Ryan, hailing from Wexford town, has been involved with our community for 19 years. He is a huge nerd and a lover of books and anything creative. He loves seeing how our community has developed, particularly in the last three years. Finally, the answer is to always choose the BEAR.

  • Vic Kelly-Victor (they/them)


    Vic Kelly-Victor is the treasurer of Wexford Pride, the financial director of Transgender Equality Network Ireland, and involved in disability rights activism. Their transgender and broader LGBTQIA+ equality work in Ireland began in 2018, but they had previously engaged in activism in Germany and Poland. Their goals are to support vulnerable members of Ireland's LGBTQIA+ community, stand with their transgender and intersex community in the fight for healthcare and other rights, and raise awareness of the intersection of disability and queerness. As a disabled, deaf, neurodivergent and genderfluid person, they have a deep insight into this area.

  • Rían Browne (he/him)

    Public Relations Officer

    Rían is a queer non-binary person hailing from Wexford town! Rían has a background in youth and community work with several year's experience volunteering and community organising. He has a strong commitment to social justice, intersectionality and anti-racism and is passionate about creating a space for LGBTQIA+ people in Co. Wexford that is empowering, visible and inclusive!

  • CC Darlington (they/them)

    Open Committee Member

    CC is an asexual, non-binary person living in Co. Wexford. They have a background in events organising and run their own inclusive LGBTQIA+ business. They are passionate about creating safe, accessible spaces for all members of the LGBTQIA+ community.