Constitution 2023-2024

The name of the group is "Wexford Pride”, hereafter referred to as “the organisation”

The original constitution was discussed and adopted at an Extraordinary General Meeting on Friday, July 10, 2021. This version of the constitution was discussed and adopted at an Extraordinary Committee Meeting on Sunday, November 20, 2022, circulated to the membership on Monday, November 21, 2022, and finalised after membership feedback on Tuesday, November 22, 2022. Updates to the constitution were ratified at the 2023 AGM on Thursday, November 16, 2023.


Aims and Objectives


To celebrate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and other community-affiliated individuals and groups (referred to as “our community”), in and through culturally appropriate educational activities, support activities, and festivities throughout the year


To continuously promote awareness, and celebrate the achievements, visibility, and diversity of our community in partnership with all stakeholders (in-community individuals and organisations) and allies (individuals and organisations supportive of our community)


To showcase the creative and artistic talents of our community and allies in Wexford


To source funding and other support to enable the hosting of events throughout the year that benefit members of our community




Wexford Pride is a not-for-profit group.


There will be four core Committee members: Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, and Community Liaison. The role of Chairperson is a rotating position held by each core member for one month in that order. Up to three additional members of Wexford Pride can stand for election to the Committee in non-titled positions. Such members are full Committee members for matters of voting, including voting on finances, and for determining if a quorum is present. As they do not have a title, their role is flexible: they can be responsible for certain projects, they can propose and vote on motions, they can propose projects, they can take on tasks for the titled members, and they can represent the Committee. However, they cannot withdraw money from the Wexford Pride Credit Union account or make changes to the Constitution. All Committee members must be of majority age at time of election.


All Committee members must be elected by the membership (defined as those present in-person or online at the AGM). The Committee cannot co-opt individuals from the membership to be full members of the Committee during the course of the year. An EGM is needed to elect a new Committee member if one leaves mid-term. The Committee can request volunteers for specific projects and these volunteers can, if needed, attend committee meetings but cannot be present for discussion of financial or constitutional matters.


The Committee will meet once per month (close to the 15th day of the month, virtually or in person) in addition to Extraordinary Committee Meetings, Extraordinary General Meetings, Event Planning Meetings, ad-hoc project meetings, and the AGM. Notes will be taken at all meetings and retained and circulated (with regard for necessary discretion when sensitive items for the community have been discussed).


An AGM will occur once per year in November. Standard AGM rules regarding public notice and running of the meeting will apply (except when sensitive items for the community are being discussed). The AGM is called by the Chairperson. The membership must be informed of the AGM at least four weeks in advance with the issuing of a press release and via posting on the social media channels known to the membership, and in exceptional circumstances, via email [B7].


This constitution was presented at the 2022 AGM as the first publicly presented constitution. Changes to this constitution must be ratified at the next AGM by a vote of the membership, with ratification requiring 60% of the membership present at the AGM to agree to the changes. Changes must be recorded in Appendix 3.


Due to the persecution that members of the LGBTQIA+ community still face, no formal list of membership shall be created, made public, or otherwise published. Should a member wish to be contacted about events and be unable to access print media or follow Wexford Pride on social media for any reason, they can present their contact details to the Secretary, who will be responsible for communicating meeting times and venues to them. They can request erasure from this private list at any time. This list may be stored digitally but only on a local drive that is not accessible to anyone other than the Secretary.


For voting purposes at General Meetings, the membership shall be considered the majority-age members (including Committee members) present at a given meeting (given that it can be shown that the meeting was promoted via appropriate means). Minority age individuals can attend EGMs and the AGM, where space can be given to their voices, but they cannot take part in a formal vote.


All Committee meetings will take place in an accessible venue at a time and place that suits the majority of the Committee. Virtual meetings are permitted. All General meetings will take place in an accessible venue with at least four weeks’ notice. Virtual meetings are permitted.


Nominations for Committee positions can be received up to 24 hours prior to the AGM

  • The election should proceed one position at a time in the order Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Community Liaison, Secretary, Chairperson

  • Nominations for the given position should be proposed. Each nominee should briefly state why they feel they are right for the position, and state if there might be a conflict of interest due to other group memberships or activities. In particular, the Treasurer’s qualifications must be stated and the Treasurer must declare any other similar positions held.

  • If there is only one nominee, the vote proceeds by a show of hands for that nominee’s election without that nominee present in the room. Election requires a “yes” from 60% of the membership (as defined in B8). In the event of a “no” vote, the position is considered unfilled. The outgoing Committee member is asked to fill the role until the next possible Extraordinary General Meeting, at least four weeks later, when a new election can be held with a new candidate. If the position remains unfilled, the remaining Committee members must divide the role between them.

  • If there are two or more nominees, the vote should proceed as a closed vote with votes on cards with the nominees’ names, collected and counted by a member in good standing who is not up for election. The nominee with the majority of the votes is considered elected. In the event of a tied vote with no nominee willing to concede, the vote should be run again after a short speech by the tied nominees.

  • After all elections, the new Committee is considered inaugurated. The outgoing Committee members should hand over the tasks to the new Committee members no later than December 1 of that year.


The Committee will aim to welcome and support as diverse a membership as possible, including all sexualities, gender identities, and gender expressions, from all strands of our community. The Committee will aim to acknowledge the intersections of the contemporary LGBTQIA+ community in event organisation, communication, etc. (i.e., acknowledgement of multiple-marginalised individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community).


No decision can be made at Committee meetings where a quorum is not present. A quorum is made up of 50% of the Committee plus one. Event planning meetings are not Committee meetings. Note that no decision that has a major impact on the core competencies or workload of an individual Committee member can be taken without consultation (and vote or proxy vote) of that member (e.g., major spending requires Treasurer consultation).


Each Committee member is entitled to one vote. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson may (with prior consultation) use a proxy vote for a missing committee member and/or will have the final casting vote.


The Committee (or nominees from the general membership) may participate in relevant national and regional structures, events and meetings. A Committee member or general member must not purport to represent Wexford Pride without prior agreement by the Committee. Any information given to the media must be provided by the PRO, unless having their name on the press release or social media post would jeopardise their healthcare, in which case, a non-risk individual will provide the information..




Our group account will be based in Wexford Credit Union (Anne Street, Wexford).


Any of the four core Committee members or the Chairperson can lodge monies to our account. The account details can be provided to sponsors for electronic payment.


Two of the core positions must be present to withdraw monies.


The names of the incoming Committee members must be provided to the Credit Union at the beginning of the new operational year (no later than December 1 of that year).


On the winding up or dissolution of the group, funds or assets remaining after all debts have been paid shall be transferred to a charitable institution with purposes similar to those of this group, as voted on at the final Extraordinary General Meeting by the membership present. Proposals for such charitable institutions can be made by the Committee and membership at the event.


The purpose of the group shall be carried out without purpose of gain (either financial or otherwise) for the committee and any profits or other accretions to the group shall be used for promoting its purpose.


Appendix 1. Credit union policy

1a. Any two of the core committee members or any one of the core committee members plus the Chairperson must be present to withdraw funds from the Credit Union Account. If there is no Chairperson, ignore that position

The names corresponding to these positions will be updated and notified to the Credit Union as soon as possible after any changes (and no later than December 1 of each year). This will be done in writing and signed-off on by all the incoming signatories.

Appendix 2. Description of committee positions 2022-2023

The Chairperson is responsible for ensuring that the activities of the organisation are aligned with the constitution. They are also responsible for the smooth running of any and all meetings, which includes preparation and control of the agenda. The Chairperson can call extraordinary meetings of the Committee and/or membership. This is a rotating position held by each of the four core committee members in the order Secretary, Treasurer, PRO, Community Liaison, for one month each.

The Secretary is responsible for the documentation of the activities of the committee and communication of information within the committee. The Secretary should be a good communicator and maintain confidentiality on relevant matters. Among the Secretary’s tasks are to record, control and distribute minutes (including the number but not names of general members present) and receive and disseminate correspondence to and from the committee. The Secretary is the Vice-Treasurer, i.e., takes the responsibilities of the Treasurer should the Treasurer be unavailable. The Secretary also has the task of maintaining the private list of members who wish to be notified about meetings via email because they cannot access print media or follow Wexford Pride social media accounts.

The Treasurer is responsible for managing the organisation’s finances. Their tasks include the preparation of annual budgets, planning for the organisation’s financial future, monitoring the organisation’s revenue and expenditure, documentation of the Committee’s spending, and approval of any spending over €50. Petty cash spending under €50 can be approved by any Committee member. The Treasurer should have a sufficient level of financial expertise to cover the responsibilities. The Treasurer will also be responsible for coordinating fundraising and sponsorship. The Treasurer must create and present the financial records at each AGM.

The Public Relations Officer (PRO) is responsible for oversight of media engagements, including Committee member interviews by the media, press releases and promotional material releases to media partners and news outlets, the administration of Wexford Pride’s social media presence, the approval of any posting to Wexford Pride social media accounts, and management of the organisation’s website. 

The Community Liaison is responsible for communication with other organisations, including but not limited to NGOs representing marginalised communities; clubs and organisations representing marginalised communities; youth clubs and organisations that support LGBTQIA+ youth; and other organisations supporting our aims and objectives.The Community Liaison is the Vice-PRO, i.e., takes the responsibilities of the PRO should the PRO be unavailable, and has deputised access to all social media accounts.

Up to three additional members of Wexford Pride can stand for election to the Committee in non-titled positions. Such members are full Committee members for matters of voting, including voting on finances, and for determining if a quorum is present. As they do not have a title, their role is flexible: they can be responsible for certain projects, they can propose and vote on motions, they can propose projects, they can take on tasks for the titled members, and they can represent the Committee. However, they cannot withdraw money from the Wexford Pride Credit Union account or make changes to the Constitution. 

Appendix 3. Ratified changes to the constitution for 2023-2024

See slides 39-44 of the AGM slide deck. Changes applied to B3, B8, B10, B14 and Appendix 2.

Appendix 4. Committee membership for 2022-2023

The elected Committee members for 2022-2023 are:

  • Secretary and Vice-Treasurer: John Cunningham-Ryan (he/him)

  • Treasurer: Victor Kelly-Victor (they/them)

  • Public Relations Officer: Rían Browne (he/him)

  • Community Liaison: Veronica Victor (she/her)

  • Untitled position: CC Darlington (they/them)

Elected by the general membership on November 16, 2023.